

Software design and principles

mono-repo vs multi-repo and microservices vs monolith

We have experienced both mono repo and multi repo along with microservices and monolith for years now. My conclusion regarding our context:

  • It is hard to set a mono repository right,
  • It is harder to manage hundreds of repository for several services,
  • You have to build or use tools dedicated to mono repository management, and in particular for its continuous integration,
  • A monorepo, compared to multi repo, still is way more efficient regarding deployment, coherence, bug tracking, cleaning and “community management,”
  • Onboarding a new team member in a microservices architecture along with a mono repository is tedious,
  • Onboarding a new team member in a microservices architecture along with multi repositories is tedious squared,
  • Only documentation updated on a regular basis can compete with onboarding with a monolith,
  • Microservices are impossible to debug by default, you must build the debugging capabilities,
  • Microservices are way more efficient in term of flexibility, innovation possibilities, and creativity; overall it brings velocity,
  • Continuous delivery setup is a journey. Keep the focus and priority: often it is delivering reliably new features to your customers.

Microservices set in a monorepo was the perfect combination for our team, its size, and our project.

Other sources, so you can have a better idea of the debate:

For the same context that was ours, what I might consent is to split application tiers into different repositories (example: front-end in one repository, back-end in another), that’s all!

Technical debt

“Technical Debt Is Like Tetris”. You can’t win. You can only control how quickly you lose.

Technical Debt is part of the engineering landscape of any developing business. And you create some technical debt with any arbitrage in favor of new feature against sanitation of any kind. The Tetris analogy is excellent in the sense that you can mark higher scores only when you accept technical debt, when you are aware of it and when you play with it. Then, every new feature is an opportunity to fix it, just like when you close several raws at once.

Development environment

iPad as main computer

A lot of people have tried, I tried, the last iteration of the iPad pro almost convinced me. For me, this is still not possible. It is fine to program remotely with a AWS server but it is expensive, and doesn’t cover all usages. What if you need to manipulate data from your iPad on your remote server? I need to programmatically access my data locally, that’s all. I still need my “natural” terminal with data access.

In the process, I discovered mosh and that is a damned good solution for remote access to server. It misses a strong solution for ssh forwarding necessary in a bastion implementation.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X on a MacBook is a wonderful development environment. When we have been acquired by Airware, all our developers had to switch from a centralized development server to distributed development environment on Mac OS X. As we hadn’t raised much, we were almost shocked by that sudden developer onboarding cost increase.

It enabled smoother meeting sessions, remote working and for some others it offered a real computer at home.

You can heavily personalize your setup, but there is only one real big issue when you unbox a Mac. It lakes a real package manager, but there is a solution for that: homebrew.

I’ll do nothing else in the future. My developers will have choice between a laptop Mac or Linux one. In any case a Linux/Unix base centralized development environment with a encrypted hard-drive.


In order to setup a brand new Mac from scratch I build a bootstrapping script that:

You can find more details here

Some more complete example or tools are available out there:

  • strap - The so called “minimal” macOS development system bootstrap will give you way more than mine previously mentioned.
  • mac setup - The reference guide for setting up a mac for development “manually”. Source is available here

Code editor

vscode replaces the long 1st in my heart Sublime: it has proven to turn myself into a better “prototyper”, data extractor and developer in the past year. It is reliable, able to handle large files, has a small memory footprint and perfectly extendable.

My mandatory extensions:

  • Settings Sync - You might spend a bunch of time configuring vscode (extensions, settings and keybindings). When you are changing your computer, you are happy being able to grasp all that configuration automatically. One extension to rule them all!.

Further awesomeness 🤩:

  • awesome-vscode - a extensive list of interesting resources for vscode.
  • code-server - Executing vscode in a web browser from your server!

Command line enhancements

  • fkill-cli - An interactive killing command, much nicer than your traditional way. Would love a native one not going through node.
  • graphcurl - Turn your command line into a curl like tool for GraphQL, keeping the exploration taste of graphiql
  • jq - Must have tool for any modern devOps or serious people working with a Terminal 😄 (json)
  • rb - Extends your command line workflow with a fully loaded inline ruby interpreter. Just in case you are allergic to awk and sed (Ruby)
  • terminalizer - A way to record your Terminal and create gif images.
  • tldr - Ever wanted to get just what you need instead of verbose man pages?
  • q - Run SQL queries directly on CSV files.
  • up - Write pipe processing with instant live preview of command results.


  • dive - Have you ever wanted to look into your Dockerimage result layers. Here you are!


  • gitleaks - Waiting for github next move in the security landscape, here is a way for you to scan code source for unencrypted secrets. 👮‍♂️



  • DailyBot - Helps remote teams to fill their daily scrum



CSS animations in action


  • Math as Code - A reference to ease developers into mathematical notation by showing comparisons with JavaScript code.


  • Three.js - 3D animation.
  • Anime.js - CSS, DOM, SVG transform.
  • Mo.js - Equivalent to anime.js. Another taste, you choose.
  • Vivus - Focus on SVGs animation.
  • GreenSock - The swiss knife and Veteran of the pack.
  • Scrollreveal - Zero dependencies scrolling animation.



  • 3 Tools to Keep npm Packages Updated - Keeping your package up to date is critical for security and stability. Use any mean to achieve it. Here the standard way, a VS Code extension and ncu are presented.

Building Command line

  • ervy - Bringing charts to the terminal, because every project needs a command line and dataviz is fun!
  • qoa - Minimal interactive command-line prompts with no dependencies.
  • ink - Building your command-line applications with React, Test your command-line applications with components.


If performance is key to your application, please spend time on testing and tweaking it.

You can use some great open source tools before jumping into the service or paying landscape like autocannon which simulates concurrent HTTP calls. The following article from Smash magazine will give you a very good entry point for performance analysis on node.js server projects.


Python comes with a lot of popular Python libraries and frameworks. The following diagram made by Paco Nathan is a landscape diagram that introduces 50 of the most popular Python libs used in data science. It was introduced in “A landscape diagram for Python data”. Definitely the place to go first if you are looking for something.


Performance (or lake of) drains a lot of attention in python. It is not a compiled language, and yes, it can be slow. Have a look to the following, some extra to enhance your beautiful python code.


Sometimes the everything is possible frameworks and libraries are too complicated and one just need a quick dataviz:


  • Command line:


  • Command line:
    • bash-boilerplate - Name speaks for itself. Even today, bash might be the best answer to a simple clear problem that needs a repetitive way to being reproduced. This repository kick-starts it even further.
    • bash-oo-framework - If bash-boilerplate is not enough you should find everything you need here.

Open Source

  • project-checklist - The project checklist when you want to share your creation with the world. An extensive list of actions to execution before the release.

Open source has been awesome for Redbird, Airware and Delair in many ways. First providing the necessary tools for processing GIS data, second providing an unlimited source of inspiration. Some truly inspiring open source projects.



Google analytics

If you want to know what is happening to your application, you must track at least two aspects - more on that in the Growing a company section:

  • Sessions (session duration, session length, etc.)
  • Events (actions launched, type of file processed, type of download, etc.)

There is a well known tool that allows that: Google analytics and it can track events. Some return of experiment: “The Google Analytics Setup I Use on Every Site I Build”.


  • Hawkeye - Implement eye tracking tests and get heatmap in no time for your iOS devices.

Web development

  • Lighthouse - Lighthouse is an open source developer tool from Google that helps to audit web sites for performance, accessibility, and more. It is an extension to Chrome dev tools, a command line and a node module.