Product Management

Product management

Designing Successful Products

From Hugh Dubberly, the Venn diagram that depict what makes a successful product:

  1. Desirability
  2. Technology
  3. Sustainability
Successful Products. Image Credit: Hugh Dubberly

An that framework applied to three tech giants:

Successful Products Examples. Image Credit: Wired

The minimum roadmap

The minimum features of a product which is target to length years are the following:

Step 1: setup of your delivery tool chain

  • Monorepo and its development tools
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Delivery
  • The MVP

Step 2: core functions

  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • API first (strongly separation of Front-end and Back-end)
  • Security at all stages (encryption at REST and in Transit)
  • Usage tracking


  • airfocus - Some interesting view to render your roadmap.
  • trello - The famous Kanban based online service to manage your task and roadmap.
  • - The one tool for all replacing evernote, trello, asana, etc.
  • uservoice - User centric roadmap definition.

In any case, please avoid using aha!. This is certainly unfair, but my experience with this tool, and the support team is dramatic. aha! was hated in our company. It’s code name was “the place were ideas die”. It was slow, hard to use, nearly impossible to find information. And, at the end we weren’t able to export our data. Cherry on the cake: way too expensive.

Features, epics, user stories