


The Pomodoro technique helps you getting more productive splitting your work in small chunks of arround 25 minutes separated by short breaks:

  1. Define the task you are going to accomplish
  2. Set your timer to 25 minutes
  3. Works on the task until the timer rings
  4. Take a short 5 minutes break
  5. Repeat 1. to 4. 4 times
  6. Take a 15-30 minutes break


The following are my day to day productivity tools:

  • Grammarly - The best english spell checker I’ve tried so far. I use it everyday. They also have a keyboard for iOS. They are missing an API to create 3rd party applications, like a vscode spell checker for markdown 😑.
  • Todoist - Simplest yet all features included todo manager.
  • Evernote - Powerful note taker that has neat web clipping, organization and sharing. I miss a bunch of features, like auto tagging of existing notes, archiving, smart lists, etc. But I wasn’t able to find a really better alternative yet. I use it for all important article I want to preserve and for my projects.
  • Apple notes - For rapid personal note taking for meetings, interviews, etc.
  • github - The place to go for Open Source, new discoveries garanted every day. You can also use it for your important notes like the present one 😊.