

This section is about pieces which don’t fit at the moment in any other section and are more than eclectic 😅.

APIs of interest

Charting API

quickchart - Open source API that replace the deprecated Google Chart API.


My work life Balance

The above chart is an extract from my CV available here.

The following will generate you a QR code:

<img scr="" alt="My CV link" />

quickchart has a playground to get the url already encoded. It transforms the following code:

  bkg: "transparent",
  type: "doughnut",
  data: {
    labels: [
      "Sleeping & Dreaming about solutions",
      "Brainstorming with my team, value their work",
      "Design, Architecture",
      "Prototyping, Development",
      "Family time, playing with my son",
      "Reading news",
    datasets: [{
      data: [3, 24, 31, 15, 10, 10, 8],
      backgroundColor: [
  options: {
    title: {
      display: true,
      text: "My worklife balance"
    legend: {
      display: true,
      position: "bottom",


The charts are extensively customizable, documentation is available here.


DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. Simple identicons and lovely designed characters are available from a simple HTTP-API call or more advanced integrations.

The following presents myself as a dibear icon:

<svg width="250" height="250">
     <image xlink:href="" width="250" />

Bio inspiration

  • Navigation without a GPS - Inspired from a Sahara desert ant, this ant robot can orient itself without a GPS. After a random exploration behavior, it can go straight back to its departure origin.


Color picking

Colorbrewer is an online tool, and a npm package that provides a set of color schemes suitable for certain conditions: diverging, colorblind safe, number of classes. While it was meant for maps at first, I use it extensively when it comes to choose colors for any purpose. I just find them elegant 😊. I discovered them through the d3js library. Further reading

Open Peeps

Openpees offers a collection of hand-drawn illustration library of people.


  • gh-md-toc - Generate table of content from a .md file.

Static web sites

Static web site in some occasions advantageouly replace self hosting services sush as Wordpress. They can be hosted on storage services such as AWS S3.

  • Publii - Is an open source static site CMS management tool
  • Gatsby.js - Is a library that enables static site generation from react
  • hugo - Another library to build static sites. A comparison with gatsby if you need more insights
  • jekyll - The static site generator behing GiHub Pages. PlanetJekyll features a jekyll showcase of several live website and the associate sources.

The following paragraphs are from the TODO and need cleaning:

Build this as a static site

From sketch to png: sketchtool

Choosing between Jekyll and Hugo: How to choose Requirements:

  • Clean theme
  • Ease of use
  • Live reload
  • Search feature
  • Stats



gitbook (static site generator)



Official site
